Saturday, July 25, 2009

I know what I know, if you know what I mean

Susan and I went to Big Sur this last weekend to be with friends and family from California. Boy was it great to hang out and roast marshmellows, and just be there. This year we missed people pretty bad... I think that not having Stacy and Jina and Julie there somehow altered life's projected course and entered another plane of Big Sur. I don't know about the rest of our site but as for me, I stood by only our fire, maybe somehow grieving over souls being unable to be there with us. Everytime I would go to get something inside the tent my brain would say, you'd better knock, Julie's probably in there. Why Julie -NO CLUE... maybe she's in a secret society that meets in tents and so when she comes to big slur she just feels more secure in a tent and so finds any excuse to be in one.
I don't know why Big Sur felt the way it did, I really enjoyed it but I do best not to compare it to any other big sur trip. Tim and I went up the Gorge and beyond on like Friday or Saturday. We had fun, well I think we did, I know I did. Anyway if you have been to the large sur this year you may have noticed that the lack of rainfall has done some major stuff to the stream, plus all the loose sediment from the mass killing of vegetation the fire did last year or was it two years ago..? anyway...
I just wanted to say something. Susan is not here at the moment, she's learning how to teach, or refreshing her skills at teaching violin in New York. I'll be holding the fort down all this week. Your calls are welcome and feel free to drop in if you know where the new place is and happen have accidently sucked into the Hamilton Place Black Hole of consumerism which I frequently do. Come and we'll find you a chair and then try to find a place for the stuff that happens to be in the chair and then let you sit down awhile... take care...
Brian aka exceptionboy... the one who did everything mom said not to and is still here to tell the story about it.


linda said...

I do know what you mean...just enjoyed looking through at some of the Big photos. Nice. Miss you!

jules of the east said...

I WAS in the tent! Close call :) I missed Big Sur (the soul of it) - thought of you all often. let's hang out & compare stories soon. ps. got a good story for ya.....