Saturday, March 20, 2010

Odd vs. even

If Even Stephen and Odd Toad had a kid what would it's name be?   I know right Frank...   totally that's what I thought..  Glad that we got that one cleared up.  I took this picture cause sometimes I like seeing stuff that's been formed into metal, like numbers and whatnot.  I think this is from one of our forktrucks that we have at Ben Parker company.  Anyway I feel a little sick right at the moment.  I don't know if it's the flu but it seems to be going around everywhere.   I hope Susan avoids it...   and I say bye for now...   I gotta let Sam-bow the kitty in and then go home.   I don't think I have the energy to do much more then that..  Super excited about seeing all the sibs, yes even Jill the adopted sib..   It's just a few weeks now..    I hope you are well... bye

Brizzle Bri

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