Thursday, November 19, 2009

right, what is the right? Wrong seems everywhere and hidding in everything.

As my cranky body wakes and my lips anticipate the first drops of coffee to help slide into this Thursday morning the sun is showing signs of wanting to return to this side of the earth. My feet are cool, and the heat just turned on, there is a roar of cars, trucks, taxi's, men in suits they don't like going to places they like less. I'm sure some of those vehicles carry people who are excited about today, that would be ideal. I wanna enjoy my days sometimes it just gets going way to fast.
So today I'm hoping that it will be a good solid work day, with constant things to fix, or cleaning the cage, and that I wont feel rushed beyond reason. I figure that's a good goal, some middle ground, you know busy enough to not look for direction every two minutes but not so busy that you forget to go home when it's time. Anyway just some random thoughts on this Thursday, my coffee is done and it's getting close to the jeeps blast off into the traffic atmosphere only to re-enter the earth's surface at work.

hope it's a great day, and that you learn something you that makes you chuckle, or something that helps you set worry off and just get to what matters. peace.

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